ECMAScript® 2024 Language Specification

Draft ECMA-262 / February 15, 2024

29.4 Candidate Executions

A candidate execution of the evaluation of an agent cluster is a Record with the following fields.

Table 96: Candidate Execution Record Fields
Field Name Value Meaning
[[EventsRecords]] a List of Agent Events Records Maps an agent to Lists of events appended during the evaluation.
[[ChosenValues]] a List of Chosen Value Records Maps ReadSharedMemory or ReadModifyWriteSharedMemory events to the List of byte values chosen during the evaluation.
[[AgentOrder]] an agent-order Relation Defined below.
[[ReadsBytesFrom]] a reads-bytes-from mathematical function Defined below.
[[ReadsFrom]] a reads-from Relation Defined below.
[[HostSynchronizesWith]] a host-synchronizes-with Relation Defined below.
[[SynchronizesWith]] a synchronizes-with Relation Defined below.
[[HappensBefore]] a happens-before Relation Defined below.

An empty candidate execution is a candidate execution Record whose fields are empty Lists and Relations.