ECMAScript® 2024 Language Specification

Draft ECMA-262 / February 15, 2024

27.1 Iteration

27.1.1 Common Iteration Interfaces

An interface is a set of property keys whose associated values match a specific specification. Any object that provides all the properties as described by an interface's specification conforms to that interface. An interface is not represented by a distinct object. There may be many separately implemented objects that conform to any interface. An individual object may conform to multiple interfaces. The Iterable Interface

The Iterable interface includes the property described in Table 77:

Table 77: Iterable Interface Required Properties
Property Value Requirements
@@iterator a function that returns an Iterator object The returned object must conform to the Iterator interface. The Iterator Interface

An object that implements the Iterator interface must include the property in Table 78. Such objects may also implement the properties in Table 79.

Table 78: Iterator Interface Required Properties
Property Value Requirements
"next" a function that returns an IteratorResult object The returned object must conform to the IteratorResult interface. If a previous call to the next method of an Iterator has returned an IteratorResult object whose "done" property is true, then all subsequent calls to the next method of that object should also return an IteratorResult object whose "done" property is true. However, this requirement is not enforced.
Note 1

Arguments may be passed to the next function but their interpretation and validity is dependent upon the target Iterator. The for-of statement and other common users of Iterators do not pass any arguments, so Iterator objects that expect to be used in such a manner must be prepared to deal with being called with no arguments.

Table 79: Iterator Interface Optional Properties
Property Value Requirements
"return" a function that returns an IteratorResult object The returned object must conform to the IteratorResult interface. Invoking this method notifies the Iterator object that the caller does not intend to make any more next method calls to the Iterator. The returned IteratorResult object will typically have a "done" property whose value is true, and a "value" property with the value passed as the argument of the return method. However, this requirement is not enforced.
"throw" a function that returns an IteratorResult object The returned object must conform to the IteratorResult interface. Invoking this method notifies the Iterator object that the caller has detected an error condition. The argument may be used to identify the error condition and typically will be an exception object. A typical response is to throw the value passed as the argument. If the method does not throw, the returned IteratorResult object will typically have a "done" property whose value is true.
Note 2

Typically callers of these methods should check for their existence before invoking them. Certain ECMAScript language features including for-of, yield*, and array destructuring call these methods after performing an existence check. Most ECMAScript library functions that accept Iterable objects as arguments also conditionally call them. The AsyncIterable Interface

The AsyncIterable interface includes the properties described in Table 80:

Table 80: AsyncIterable Interface Required Properties
Property Value Requirements
@@asyncIterator a function that returns an AsyncIterator object The returned object must conform to the AsyncIterator interface. The AsyncIterator Interface

An object that implements the AsyncIterator interface must include the properties in Table 81. Such objects may also implement the properties in Table 82.

Table 81: AsyncIterator Interface Required Properties
Property Value Requirements
"next" a function that returns a promise for an IteratorResult object

The returned promise, when fulfilled, must fulfill with an object that conforms to the IteratorResult interface. If a previous call to the next method of an AsyncIterator has returned a promise for an IteratorResult object whose "done" property is true, then all subsequent calls to the next method of that object should also return a promise for an IteratorResult object whose "done" property is true. However, this requirement is not enforced.

Additionally, the IteratorResult object that serves as a fulfillment value should have a "value" property whose value is not a promise (or "thenable"). However, this requirement is also not enforced.

Note 1

Arguments may be passed to the next function but their interpretation and validity is dependent upon the target AsyncIterator. The for-await-of statement and other common users of AsyncIterators do not pass any arguments, so AsyncIterator objects that expect to be used in such a manner must be prepared to deal with being called with no arguments.

Table 82: AsyncIterator Interface Optional Properties
Property Value Requirements
"return" a function that returns a promise for an IteratorResult object

The returned promise, when fulfilled, must fulfill with an object that conforms to the IteratorResult interface. Invoking this method notifies the AsyncIterator object that the caller does not intend to make any more next method calls to the AsyncIterator. The returned promise will fulfill with an IteratorResult object which will typically have a "done" property whose value is true, and a "value" property with the value passed as the argument of the return method. However, this requirement is not enforced.

Additionally, the IteratorResult object that serves as a fulfillment value should have a "value" property whose value is not a promise (or "thenable"). If the argument value is used in the typical manner, then if it is a rejected promise, a promise rejected with the same reason should be returned; if it is a fulfilled promise, then its fulfillment value should be used as the "value" property of the returned promise's IteratorResult object fulfillment value. However, these requirements are also not enforced.

"throw" a function that returns a promise for an IteratorResult object

The returned promise, when fulfilled, must fulfill with an object that conforms to the IteratorResult interface. Invoking this method notifies the AsyncIterator object that the caller has detected an error condition. The argument may be used to identify the error condition and typically will be an exception object. A typical response is to return a rejected promise which rejects with the value passed as the argument.

If the returned promise is fulfilled, the IteratorResult fulfillment value will typically have a "done" property whose value is true. Additionally, it should have a "value" property whose value is not a promise (or "thenable"), but this requirement is not enforced.

Note 2

Typically callers of these methods should check for their existence before invoking them. Certain ECMAScript language features including for-await-of and yield* call these methods after performing an existence check. The IteratorResult Interface

The IteratorResult interface includes the properties listed in Table 83:

Table 83: IteratorResult Interface Properties
Property Value Requirements
"done" a Boolean This is the result status of an iterator next method call. If the end of the iterator was reached "done" is true. If the end was not reached "done" is false and a value is available. If a "done" property (either own or inherited) does not exist, it is considered to have the value false.
"value" an ECMAScript language value If done is false, this is the current iteration element value. If done is true, this is the return value of the iterator, if it supplied one. If the iterator does not have a return value, "value" is undefined. In that case, the "value" property may be absent from the conforming object if it does not inherit an explicit "value" property.

27.1.2 The %IteratorPrototype% Object

The %IteratorPrototype% object:


All objects defined in this specification that implement the Iterator interface also inherit from %IteratorPrototype%. ECMAScript code may also define objects that inherit from %IteratorPrototype%. The %IteratorPrototype% object provides a place where additional methods that are applicable to all iterator objects may be added.

The following expression is one way that ECMAScript code can access the %IteratorPrototype% object:

Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]())) %IteratorPrototype% [ @@iterator ] ( )

This function performs the following steps when called:

  1. Return the this value.

The value of the "name" property of this function is "[Symbol.iterator]".

27.1.3 The %AsyncIteratorPrototype% Object

The %AsyncIteratorPrototype% object:


All objects defined in this specification that implement the AsyncIterator interface also inherit from %AsyncIteratorPrototype%. ECMAScript code may also define objects that inherit from %AsyncIteratorPrototype%. The %AsyncIteratorPrototype% object provides a place where additional methods that are applicable to all async iterator objects may be added. %AsyncIteratorPrototype% [ @@asyncIterator ] ( )

This function performs the following steps when called:

  1. Return the this value.

The value of the "name" property of this function is "[Symbol.asyncIterator]".

27.1.4 Async-from-Sync Iterator Objects

An Async-from-Sync Iterator object is an async iterator that adapts a specific synchronous iterator. There is not a named constructor for Async-from-Sync Iterator objects. Instead, Async-from-Sync iterator objects are created by the CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator abstract operation as needed. CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator ( syncIteratorRecord )

The abstract operation CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator takes argument syncIteratorRecord (an Iterator Record) and returns an Iterator Record. It is used to create an async Iterator Record from a synchronous Iterator Record. It performs the following steps when called:

  1. Let asyncIterator be OrdinaryObjectCreate(%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%, « [[SyncIteratorRecord]] »).
  2. Set asyncIterator.[[SyncIteratorRecord]] to syncIteratorRecord.
  3. Let nextMethod be ! Get(asyncIterator, "next").
  4. Let iteratorRecord be the Iterator Record { [[Iterator]]: asyncIterator, [[NextMethod]]: nextMethod, [[Done]]: false }.
  5. Return iteratorRecord. The %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype% Object

The %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype% object:

  • has properties that are inherited by all Async-from-Sync Iterator Objects.
  • is an ordinary object.
  • has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %AsyncIteratorPrototype%.
  • has the following properties: ( [ value ] )

  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. Assert: O is an Object that has a [[SyncIteratorRecord]] internal slot.
  3. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
  4. Let syncIteratorRecord be O.[[SyncIteratorRecord]].
  5. If value is present, then
    1. Let result be Completion(IteratorNext(syncIteratorRecord, value)).
  6. Else,
    1. Let result be Completion(IteratorNext(syncIteratorRecord)).
  7. IfAbruptRejectPromise(result, promiseCapability).
  8. Return AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(result, promiseCapability). %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( [ value ] )

  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. Assert: O is an Object that has a [[SyncIteratorRecord]] internal slot.
  3. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
  4. Let syncIterator be O.[[SyncIteratorRecord]].[[Iterator]].
  5. Let return be Completion(GetMethod(syncIterator, "return")).
  6. IfAbruptRejectPromise(return, promiseCapability).
  7. If return is undefined, then
    1. Let iterResult be CreateIterResultObject(value, true).
    2. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « iterResult »).
    3. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].
  8. If value is present, then
    1. Let result be Completion(Call(return, syncIterator, « value »)).
  9. Else,
    1. Let result be Completion(Call(return, syncIterator)).
  10. IfAbruptRejectPromise(result, promiseCapability).
  11. If result is not an Object, then
    1. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a newly created TypeError object »).
    2. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].
  12. Return AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(result, promiseCapability). %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( [ value ] )

In this specification, value is always provided, but is left optional for consistency with %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( [ value ] ).
  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. Assert: O is an Object that has a [[SyncIteratorRecord]] internal slot.
  3. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
  4. Let syncIterator be O.[[SyncIteratorRecord]].[[Iterator]].
  5. Let throw be Completion(GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw")).
  6. IfAbruptRejectPromise(throw, promiseCapability).
  7. If throw is undefined, then
    1. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « value »).
    2. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].
  8. If value is present, then
    1. Let result be Completion(Call(throw, syncIterator, « value »)).
  9. Else,
    1. Let result be Completion(Call(throw, syncIterator)).
  10. IfAbruptRejectPromise(result, promiseCapability).
  11. If result is not an Object, then
    1. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a newly created TypeError object »).
    2. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].
  12. Return AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(result, promiseCapability). Properties of Async-from-Sync Iterator Instances

Async-from-Sync Iterator instances are ordinary objects that inherit properties from the %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype% intrinsic object. Async-from-Sync Iterator instances are initially created with the internal slots listed in Table 84. Async-from-Sync Iterator instances are not directly observable from ECMAScript code.

Table 84: Internal Slots of Async-from-Sync Iterator Instances
Internal Slot Type Description
[[SyncIteratorRecord]] an Iterator Record Represents the original synchronous iterator which is being adapted. AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation ( result, promiseCapability )

The abstract operation AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation takes arguments result (an Object) and promiseCapability (a PromiseCapability Record for an intrinsic %Promise%) and returns a Promise. It performs the following steps when called:

  1. NOTE: Because promiseCapability is derived from the intrinsic %Promise%, the calls to promiseCapability.[[Reject]] entailed by the use IfAbruptRejectPromise below are guaranteed not to throw.
  2. Let done be Completion(IteratorComplete(result)).
  3. IfAbruptRejectPromise(done, promiseCapability).
  4. Let value be Completion(IteratorValue(result)).
  5. IfAbruptRejectPromise(value, promiseCapability).
  6. Let valueWrapper be Completion(PromiseResolve(%Promise%, value)).
  7. IfAbruptRejectPromise(valueWrapper, promiseCapability).
  8. Let unwrap be a new Abstract Closure with parameters (v) that captures done and performs the following steps when called:
    1. Return CreateIterResultObject(v, done).
  9. Let onFulfilled be CreateBuiltinFunction(unwrap, 1, "", « »).
  10. NOTE: onFulfilled is used when processing the "value" property of an IteratorResult object in order to wait for its value if it is a promise and re-package the result in a new "unwrapped" IteratorResult object.
  11. Perform PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapper, onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
  12. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].